Sunday, March 29, 2020

Derivatives of Logarithmic Function

Derivatives of Logarithmic FunctionIf you need to learn more about derivatives of logarithmic function, then organic chemistry tutor can help you. This online guide covers all sorts of subjects, starting from organic chemistry to biology and beyond. It is also a great learning tool that provides some really good examples. It also provides clear, easy to understand instructions that anyone can follow easily.Derivatives of logarithmic function are important in numerous scientific disciplines. Understanding them involves an understanding of other things like units, pressure, time, mass, volume, frequency, and energy. These quantities have to be defined in their right way. This is why teachers usually encourage students to master the various mathematical terms in organic chemistry. This process involves a number of lessons.Teachers first teach students how to solve equations by using integral calculus. They introduce students to the different concepts of linear algebra. The concepts invo lve calculating the derivatives of a function in order to find their derivative.Derivatives of logarithmic functions show up on the graph. They show a downward slope or a positive slope. They determine the rate at which a quantity changes with time. They also tell us how much of a change occurs over time.This science involves a lot of methods. It includes solving differential equations, linear and quadratic equations, heat equation, steam boiler, gas law, and much more. There are many other methods that can be learned. For example, molecular dynamics and crystal growth.Chemical reactions can be accelerated through derivatives of logarithmic functions. Theycan be used to control reactions and/or to test a reaction's efficiency. Organic chemistry tutor provides a number of examples to explain these concepts. Therefore, it is not difficult to grasp the concepts.Chemical composition and other properties of chemicals can be studied through derivatives of logarithmic functions. Chemists c an study and learn about chemicals' properties by using derivatives of logarithmic functions. The terms are very easy to understand. They are often repeated, so that students will get used to them.Derivatives of logarithmic functions have several applications. Students can use them to calculate their internal energy, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, charge, and time, among others. They can also calculate the areas of gases, liquids, solids, and crystals. They can also use derivatives of logarithmic functions to solve problems that involve such topics. It can be used to find solutions to energy and time-derivative equations.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What is an Experimental Section on a Standardized Test

What is an Experimental Section on a Standardized Test Tips from an Orange County Test Prep Tutor: What is an Experimental Section on a Standardized Test? Tips from an Orange County Test Prep Tutor: What is an Experimental Section on a Standardized Test? Students have probably been hearing about the experimental section on many standardized exams, such as the SAT, from their Orange County test prep tutors and classmates. They are likely wondering what an experimental section is and why they have to complete it. Taking a lengthy standardized exam is stressful enough without having an extra part to worry about. Students are right to be curious and should know the ideas behind this type of testing so they can gear their test prep in the right direction. So, what is the experimental section anyway? 1. Reading, writing, or math? On a core subject test, such as the SAT, the experimental section can be reading, writing, or math. Students wont know which section serves as the experimental section, something that makes many test-takers nervous. Students who struggle with writing hope the experimental section will be on this topic in hopes that it won’t count towards their final score, while students who find math challenging expect the experimental section focuses on computation. However, the tests are designed so that students wont have a particular advantage or disadvantage in their composite score (READ: 5 Awesome SAT Apps). 2. Could it be the essay section? No. The experimental section is never an essay section. The essay portion is designed to communicate to universities whether or not a student is a good writer or if they can analyze and argue logically. Because there is only one essay section students can rest assured that this will not be the experimental section. 3. Can I be excused from the experimental section? No. Although it would be nice to opt-out of the experimental section, this is not possible. The point of the experimental section is that students dont know which one it is. Standardized testing companies want students to think the section will count toward their final score so they will try just as hard to do well in that section as they would on any other. If there is an experimental section on a test, it will be mandatory. 4. What is the point of the experimental section? The point of the experimental section is for standardized testing companies to compute an average student score and to make the test harder or easier based on these scores. If the student average gets too low, next years test might be a little bit more natural while if the test seems too easy, next year’s difficulty level will be adjusted. Students take this portion to help testing companies do research on their product. 5. How will it affect my score? The experimental section will not affect the students’ overall score in any way. It’s simply taken out of the exam and used to do research. Essentially, it will be as though the student didnt make that section at all. However, taking an additional section that doesnt count can lead to increased fatigue because the student is investing time and energy in an exam that is taken over multiple hours. Students who are currently suffering from testing fatigue should work with their private Orange County tutor to determine ways to improve concentration and efficiency (READ: Last Minute SAT Study Guide). 6. Who will look at my answers for the experimental section? The testing company will simply take out the experimental section and use it to do research for future versions of the test. Colleges and universities will not see the section nor will they know which questions students answered correctly or incorrectly. Students, educators, and college counselors will also not know which section was experimental. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Why SparkNotes is Killing Your SAT Score - TutorNerds

Why SparkNotes is Killing Your SAT Score - TutorNerds Tips from an Irvine SAT Tutor: SparkNotes is Killing Your SAT Score! Tips from an Irvine SAT Tutor: SparkNotes is Killing Your SAT Score! Many students just love getting out of doing their homework.   In fact, I have found students who have arguably done more work trying to get out of an assignment than they would have if they had just done the original assignment, to begin with.   There is just something about being required to do work that can fire up all sorts of creativity to avoid it (book your private Irvine SAT tutor today. Unfortunately, English classes tend to be the main victims of this trend.   Whether it’s American literature, language arts, and literacy, or reading and writing 101, your English class is guaranteed to include required readings.   The problem with the required readings is that they tend to fit the three main criteria that drive students to skip them: they’re long, they’re boring, and they’re easy to skip without getting in trouble. Now, it is important to note that this isn’t true.   Reading assignments are rarely particularly long unless you procrastinate and have to do it all at once.   The readings usually aren’t uninteresting or academic â€" many teachers strive to assign exciting, interesting, and diverse novels and stories.   And, they aren’t free to skip if you care about your standardized test scores. That’s right, skipping out on doing your required reading will cripple your preparation for tests like the SAT that may determine your ability to get into college.   This is because a key component to your SAT score comes from reading comprehension and critical thinking related to readings.   You are introduced to passages â€" many of which are chosen purposefully for being confusing, boring, or for covering atypical material â€" that you have to read and answer questions about.   The questions assess how well you understood the material, the author’s intentions or opinions, and your ability to draw inferences or interpret messages.   This is also done under a rather strict time limit. As an experienced Irvine SAT tutor as well as a teacher, I can also say that the reading portion of the SAT is often the most difficult for students to improve upon in the short-term (short-term here meaning even as long as a year of studying and preparation).   Your critical reading skills come from years and years of repeated practice and exposure.   A long and thorough history of diverse reading is the best preparation for this kind of test. Dont Avoid Required Reading The problem is, students now often try to avoid that reading.   There are many resources that students use now.   SparkNotes and CliffNotes are the classic examples, but other sites like Shmoop, GradeSaver and BookRags are used.   The main foc,us behind these sites is to give book/chapter summaries of commonly assigned school readings and/or to give quick guides and lists to help students answers common questions.   Students can even take advantage of resources like Quizlet and even Wikipedia and Youtube (check out the channel ThugNotes) for fast summaries to skirt their required readings. These resources are not inherently bad.   In fact, many of them are useful tools to get quick refreshers, prime yourself for future readings, or to efficiently study and remember main points.   The problem is when they are used in lieu of the actual reading.   Without trying to read and interpret the material on your own, you aren’t getting the practice you need to have high quality comprehension skills.   If you are letting SparkNotes tell you what everything means, then you are missing out on the learning opportunity of figuring it out on your own. Many students complain that they don’t understand some of the required readings that they are assigned.   That if they didn’t read summaries and shortcuts that they would fail their assignments because they can’t understand what’s happening in the book.   This is okay!   The act of struggling through a reading and not being comprehending everything is how you get exposed to new writing and get better at reading it.   This is where you can use these resources and it is how most of them are meant to be used.   Do your reading, then refer to a guide to help you piece together any parts that you struggled to grasp. If your M.O. in English class has been to never open the book while you skate by with quick and easy summaries, then you are not alone among students everywhere.   But you should know that by doing so you are taking away your main source, of reading comprehension and critical verbal thinking practice.   Take the time and always try your readings â€" your SAT score will thank you. Michael C. is currently a private math, science, and standardized test tutor with TutorNerds in Irvine and Anaheim. All blog entries, except for guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why You Should Study Chemistry At University

Why You Should Study Chemistry At UniversityWhy studying chemistry at university is such a great idea? And, should I really take the time to study at university? To answer these questions you need to know what the benefits of studying chemistry at university are.With the rise in employment for chemists it is a good job that will pay well and will give you the opportunity to make some money. In addition, your child could be able to go to university with you.All of this combined will make a good salary as a chemist, which will go towards paying off the mortgage. And then there is the satisfaction of knowing that you have made a difference in the world, that you are helping people and doing so on a valuable level.Of course, a serious student needs to study chemistry because that is where the basic principles of the science of chemistry are being applied to the real world. This means that you can become involved in drug research and ensure that drugs and medicines are of the highest qual ity. Your efforts will go towards finding cures and treatments for disease and will help improve the quality of life for everyone.Studying chemistry will not just lead to a better life, but it will also give you a better career as you develop skills that will be needed in your new job. You will be able to choose a more interesting career than what you may have chosen for yourself before. You will have the confidence to pursue a fulfilling career and look forward to studying and working with a large company.So, should I study at university? The answer to the question is yes, for as long as you enjoy what you are doing. Taking on a job and going to university is hard work and you may find that you feel a bit intimidated.However, if you enjoy what you are doing and you have a good view of what you want to achieve, then the great way to get started is to study at university. This will open up many doors for you, both in terms of career progression and personal development. So, should I study chemistry at university?

English Tutor in Richmond, VA

English Tutor in Richmond, VAFor those who live in the Prince William County, Virginia, there is a great resource that could be one of the most valuable resources available. That resource is an English tutor. The reason is simple.English classes for children need a variety of abilities to succeed. As such, any English teacher will tell you that students need a good amount of guidance in every class, at every grade level. Without guidance, students tend to regress to their own levels and lose valuable skills as they become more inexperienced.However, the courses taught in school are not perfect. There are plenty of words and phrases that are not quite clear enough to be used properly in conversation. Students have to get feedback from the teacher about their mistakes in all classes so that they can be made aware of the key issues that need improvement. An English tutor is a professional in this field and will be an invaluable asset for students from all over the county.In addition to the help with English, an English tutor can help students become more knowledgeable in the subject. To have a better grasp of the language, students should do enough reading to get a foundation in it. With an English tutor, students can read books in the language and find out where they are lacking.An English tutor will also be able to teach students how to use the internet to better communicate with one another. Because the world today is increasingly connected through the internet, English grammar and pronunciation are quickly improving as more people use the internet. By having an Internet connection, students can not only do research but also to begin to communicate with native speakers of the language.The main job of an English tutor is to make sure that students understand the rules of grammar, the formation of sentences, and the proper way to spell words. This job will most likely be one of the most valuable benefits of hiring an English tutor. Using the internet to better co mmunicate with other students can help students learn all of the rules of grammar and make them more proficient.Having an English tutor can be a great benefit to students in the county. The teacher-to-student ratio will be a big benefit to parents who want their child to excel in school and is great for the students themselves. With the right guidance, English can be learned, then enhanced, and then passed on for use in everyday life.

Is it time for a career change - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Is it time for a career change - Introvert Whisperer Is it time for a career change? Discovering the career path you are meant to be on can be quite the journey. Some find where they’re meant to be right away, while others meander down the path a little longer to find the right fit for them. Still others think they’ve found where they are meant to be, only to find a different passion later on in life.   If you feel like you belong in that last category, you are not alone. It is becoming more and more commonplace to job hop and try on a few different positions before finding the exact right fit for youâ€"in fact, according to a recent study, 71% of the American workforce is looking to switch jobs. If you’ve been hit with the urge to switch to a different position or even an entirely different career, that is completely acceptable. How else are you going to find what you’re meant to be doing without trying out a couple different roles?   What is not acceptable, however, is remaining in a position or career that is not a good fit for you. Whether you and your boss don’t get along, you dread going into work every day, or you just feel like you’re stuckâ€"those are all totally legitimate reasons to begin the search for a new career that may be a better fit.   It’s important to remember that you should always be growing and learning in your role. If you feel like you stopped growing a long time ago, like you plateaued, or if you have a burning passion to be doing something else, it might be time to begin the search for something different.   Though the thought of changing careers may be scary, you don’t have to go through it blind and alone. This flowchart provided by Turbo Intuit will help guide you through making the ultimate decision of whether it’s time for you to make a career change, along with tips on how to make the transition to your new career as seamlessly as possible. While this time is rife with uncertainty, just remember you’re doing this to ultimately benefit yourself and your career. Think of how worth it this will be when you’ve found a role that is perfect for you!

Ask an MBA Admissions Expert Jared Barlow

Ask an MBA Admissions Expert Jared Barlow Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Jared Barlow is currently the Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He has worked in higher education for several years and has frequently provided one-on-one advising and counseling to students. Jared holds a Bachelors degree in International Business, Spanish, and Information Systems, as well as a Masters in Education. VT: How much time should be set aside to adequately prepare for and complete the application for an MBA program? Jared: This varies from applicant to applicant. We hope potential applicants spend enough time to put forth the most competitive application possible. This could take hours, days, or months, depending on the applicant. You can break up the pieces of the application into more manageable segments, including preparing for and taking the GMAT exam. This can take weeks or more than a year. After the GMAT is complete, an applicant may reach out to his or her undergraduate institution and request official copies of transcripts. We recommend applicants also spend sufficient time on their admissions essays. Often, this is the only chance to express your qualifications to the admissions committee. For example, online MBA programs may not interview applicants. Applicants need to ensure their essays are helping them to stand out among their peers. Having friends proofread and review essays before they are submitted is another best practice. VT: What would you say is the single most important thing to focus on for this kind of application? Jared: Stand out from the crowd. In your application, you want to show what makes you unique and helps differentiate you from all others who may be applying. Express in your resume, essays and application materials your leadership qualities and what you bring to the table as a potential MBA student. We want to ensure you will be able to contribute to help your teams/peers be successful in an MBA program. You should describe why an MBA will enhance your career goals and objectives. What effect will an MBA have on your career path? VT: What do MBA admissions officers look for most in the essay questions? Jared: At the Top 30-ranked W. P. Carey School, we look for several things in admissions essays, including self-awareness, leadership and uniqueness. Has the applicant checked the current class profile? Does the applicant know where he or she stands against previously admitted students? Is the applicant aware of his or her own aptitudes, skills and abilities? Can the individual communicate thoughts and goals effectively? Can the applicant showcase leadership skills and describe them in essay form? We want to know if applicants can self-assess their unique position. Hopefully, applicants can use specific examples of how they are different from all the others looking to be admitted to our program. VT: What are the biggest mistakes one can make on this application? Jared: Not making sure the materials you submit with your application match the intended school to which you applied Not including your name, e-mail address, and phone number on all communication sent to the university Not proofreading your essays Not using resources available to applicants: Take advantage of the dedicated admissions representative for your MBA program. The experts can help answer questions and advise you about putting together a competitive application. Not asking questions: If you have a question, please ask. Application mistakes can be avoided if applicants just ask or call for clarification. VT: What aspects of the MBA admissions process make it most different from undergraduate admissions process? Jared: During the undergraduate admissions process, the admissions committee may be interested in what you are passionate about. In an MBA program, we not only want to learn what you are passionate about, but also how this passion can translate into tangible skills, critical thinking, and career potential as you develop your personal brand. VT: Is there anything that automatically disqualifies an applicant from being considered for an MBA program (i.e. low GPA, lack of particular work experience, etc.)? Jared: Yes. Not having a four-year undergraduate degree from an accredited institution will disqualify you for admission. At the W. P. Carey School of Business, the MBA admissions committee will review each application in its entirety. Applicants should always review the current class-profile averages to find out where they may have a competitive edge over other applicants. The current class profile is a guideline and does not restrict individuals from applying where parts of their applications may not measure up to the averages. Applicants may be deficient in one area, such as undergraduate GPA, yet have a stronger-than-average GMAT score and number of years of post-undergraduate work experience. This may make them competitive for admission. VT: What kind of work experiences should be highlighted in the MBA application? Jared: Focus on post-undergraduate work experience. We are looking for examples of leadership. Our goal is to seek out future business leaders. We want to see examples of accomplishments, not just a listing of job responsibilities. We want to see if you can communicate how you made an impact during your employment opportunities and in your community. VT: What advice do you have regarding GMAT test prep? Jared: Calibrate your expectations before you begin a study plan.You can take a free full-length practice exam; this will give you a good baseline as to where to begin your test preparation. After a free practice test, look over your results and then devise a plan. Another key factor is to begin your GMAT preparation early. We advise students to prepare for the GMAT six to eight weeks before taking the exam. Students who create a regular routine for GMAT preparation tend to score higher on the exam. Studying for 20 hours a week will also give added personal insight into the rigors of a quality MBA program like the W. P. Carey MBA. If students are able to study for 20 hours a week, then they will have time to be successful in a good MBA program. If an applicant finds he or she does not have time to devote to GMAT preparation, then the individual may not have the time necessary to be successful in an MBA program. VT: Is it absolutely necessary to have work experience prior to starting an MBA degree? Jared: Post-undergraduate work experience is a desired quality in all MBA applicants. A big part of an MBA program is networking and collaborating with your MBA peers who have been out in the workplace and now are returning to advance their careers using past experience as a driving motivator. On average, W. P. Carey online MBA students, for example, have more than six years of post-undergraduate work experience. We want applicants to be able to positively contribute to their peers inside the classroom. We do understand that applicants looking to pursue an online MBA may not be traditional students. They may have been working full-time while achieving their undergraduate degrees. For reporting purposes, we can only count post-undergraduate work experience. Non-traditional students can show work experience by including internships and career choices on their resumes. While this work experience will not officially be tallied, it will be considered as part of the application. VT: What are the characteristics of a great MBA program? Jared: World-renowned faculty accomplished in their fields Faculty members who are able to teach across multiple MBA platforms (i.e. full-time, evening, weekend and online MBA tracks) Accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) A large alumni network for connections Flexibility to get work done on a convenient schedule Degree customization, such as the ability to earn an area of emphasis in subjects like supply chain management, marketing, international business or finance Prestige and reputation A format that allows you to take one class at a time Small class sizes Dedicated help with financial aid and career searches Return on investment: Look for one of the highest ranked MBA programs with the lowest out-of-pocket cost. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.